The Butterfly Lion book report

Name of the book
The  Butterfly Lion:

Michel Marpurgo 

Genre :
Children s story

Bertie,Millie, The White Prince

Timbavati in Africa,England, France

Once upon a time. There was a boy named Bertie. He lived in Africa in the wild . With his Mum and Dad.He stayed at home with his mum because his dad was all was out . And one day Bertie saw something brown in the waterhole. But Bertie was not allowed out out the gate because there was lions and hennas. And he found a White lion he kept the white lion but he got to big so his dad said that they must give him away to the circus. and later in the story he met a girl named Millie and they got married. Do you think that they found the white lion or not.

Lesson from book 
To always stick to your promise

My feelings about  the book 
The Butterfly LionI felt happy  


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